3 Interesting Common Varieties of Orchids

3 Interesting Common Varieties of Orchids

There are almost 22,000 known species of orchids; too many for you to study in a lifetime. Among those thousands of orchid species are the Anraecum sesquipedale, Vanilla planifolia, and the Caladenia robinsonii. These are among some of the most interesting species of orchid. Anraecum sesquipedale Other names: Darwin’s Orchid, Star of Bethlehem Orchid, Comet Orchid, Christmas Orchid, and King of the Angraecums. History: In 1798, Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars, a French botanist, first discovered Anraecum sesquipedale. However, the specie has remained uncategorized until 1822. Habitat: Usually found in low altitude lands in Madagascar, they are typically seen attached to tree branches or trunks. While smaller plants can be found in higher parts of the trees, large plants are usually lodged as low as 12 feet from the ground. Description:…
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