3 Interesting Common Varieties of Orchids

3 Interesting Common Varieties of Orchids

There are almost 22,000 known species of orchids; too many for you to study in a lifetime. Among those thousands of orchid species are the Anraecum sesquipedale, Vanilla planifolia, and the Caladenia robinsonii. These are among some of the most interesting species of orchid. Anraecum sesquipedale Other names: Darwin’s Orchid, Star of Bethlehem Orchid, Comet Orchid, Christmas Orchid, and King of the Angraecums. History: In 1798, Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars, a French botanist, first discovered Anraecum sesquipedale. However, the specie has remained uncategorized until 1822. Habitat: Usually found in low altitude lands in Madagascar, they are typically seen attached to tree branches or trunks. While smaller plants can be found in higher parts of the trees, large plants are usually lodged as low as 12 feet from the ground. Description:…
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How to Grow Orchids Indoor Plants?

How to Grow Orchids Indoor Plants?

Did you know that you can grow orchids indoors plants? Yes, it is possible, and in fact, it is not very difficult. For a higher success rate and to enjoy these ethereal blooms longer, here are some tips on how to grow and care for orchids indoors. 1. The Perfect Lighting Light is one of the most important factors that orchids need. Remember that orchids like Angraecum and vandas prefer high, unobstructed light. Therefore, you must place them near a south-facing veranda or window for your orchids to enjoy at least 6 hours of the early sun. If you prefer oncidiums, Phragmipedium, and dendrobiums, make sure that they are in a place where it is bright but is not under direct sunlight. Jewel orchids, on the other hand, thrive best…
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What is Vertical Farming?

What is Vertical Farming?

Vertical farming is a process of growing plants in a stacked atmosphere where plants are kept vertical layers. Vertical farming is done in places where there is shortage of space or when we want to grow plants in a controlled environment. The cost of setting up a vertical farm is always high then as compared to conventional farms but we can expect better yield if we opt for vertical farming. (more…)
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What is Hydroponics Farming?

What is Hydroponics Farming?

When we want to grow plants without using soil and only water is used to fulfill plants requirement, we are doing hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming is basically done in places where there is very less water and the soil of that place is not giving good yield. Hydroponics farming uses very less water if we compare it with traditional farming. Plants grown in hydroponics culture give better yield because chances of nutrient deficiency are very less. Hydroponic is a technique of growing any plant without putting the plant in soil. In Hydroponic farming plants grow at a faster rate then as compared to traditional farming. (more…)
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What is Soil Less Farming?

What is Soil Less Farming?

In soil less farming crops are grown without the use of soil. In soilless farming the requirement of plant is fulfilled by nutrient water which has all the essential fertilizers required for plants to produce fruits. Soil-less farming is successfully practiced in places where there is less water and soil is not good for cultivation. Soil-less farming is more successful If it is practised in protected structures in which chances of pest attack are very less. Soilless cultivation requires a lot of accuracy then as compared to soil cultivation. (more…)
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What is Terrace Farming?

What is Terrace Farming?

Terrace farming is a new trend which is being practiced in metro cities. terrace farming would become more and more popular because a family can start producing vegetables on un-utlized spaces which are lying idle on there roof. People have become more proactive towards eating pesticides free organic food and terrace farming is the best answer for growing food which is more healthy and fresh. (more…)
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What is Open Field Farming?

What is Open Field Farming?

Open field farming is the traditional method of farming which has been successfully practiced for ages. There is minimum requirement of automation when we opt for open field farming. Open field farming is all about adopting old technique’s which are successfully tried and tested. Farmers who practice open field farming never want to spend too much on farm equipment or automation. Open field farmers don’t opt for new technology but prefer to stay with the old technique’s. Open field farmers want to go with minimum input and maximum output theory. (more…)
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What is Organic Farming?

What is Organic Farming?

Organic farming is a way of producing fresh food without the use of agriculture grade fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics etc. If someone says that he has a organic farm then it means that he has used fertilizers which have a organic source eg. Bone meal, green manure compost manure etc. In organic farming naturally occurring pesticides such as neem oil, pyrethrin, roteone are allowed and these can be used if there is a pest attach in open field farms. (more…)
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What is Potting Mixture?

What is Potting Mixture?

The soil is used by most gardeners, both as a substrate for potted plants and for growing in the ground. But what is it made of? Why use potting soil? And above all, how to choose? In fact, there is a wide range of potting soil at all price points and under a large number of different names, making it difficult to navigate at times. Here are some benchmarks to see more clearly and choose the best flooring for your intended use. (more…)
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What is Vermicompost – Its Use & Benefits

What is Vermicompost – Its Use & Benefits

Warli Garden vermicompost is much more than an organic fertilizer for garden or orchard. In addition to providing nutrients to our plants, it will improve the characteristics of the soil. It is an organic substance (plant residues and manure) transformed by earthworms. (more…)
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